Monday 30 July 2018

Things I Have Been Loving/Catch up

Hello one and all,

This was going to be a post about everything I'm loving at the moment... which I guess it still kind of is... but not in the traditional sense.

  • I am currently loving being super busy at work. Crazy I know, but after taking 29 years to find a job I love, to be super busy and still happy means a lot. Although it has meant me being extremely absent from all things blogging, which does make me sad. 

  • I am loving spending what little time I do have with my friends and family. I have been busy at work meaning that when I get home I generally want to eat and sleep, but on the rare occasion that I don't I try and find time to see people I love. 

  • I have enjoyed taking in the moments rather than grabbing my phone at every given opportunity. Although I do have some pictures of the last couple of months I have been absent that I do quite like. 

  • Unfortunately, my anxiety has not been great recently. I have had some super down days which is not fun, but I still managed to get up and out of bed and in to work of which I am super proud of myself for. I think this is why I knew I had to come back today as it really helps my anxiety to get all my thoughts down in one place whether that be a catch up like this, an FOTD,  or a review etc. 

  • I am happy that my office has been on dress down for the last month or so as I am much more comfortable in my own clothes although it does mean I stress every morning wondering what the hell to wear when it is 100 degrees outside and then like a freezer inside!

  • Logan also went missing for nearly 3 days a couple of weeks ago which was horrendous. Luckily she came back and is absolutely fine!

We have also booked our summer holiday for September, going back to Turkey surprise surprise! This time myself and Jack are going with my mum and step dad which will be lovely. The countdown is on! (I will try and so some vlogging while we are there too!)

I have so much stuff to review at the moment so really need to find some time to do this for you. That is my mission for August.

I'm sorry I've been a bad blogger, but I am back and ready for the Summer!

Much Love as Always,


Saturday 9 June 2018

The Old English Company Haul | It Arrived!

So, for those of you who read this rambling regularly, you may have seen a sponsored post I did a few weeks ago for The Old English Company, if not, you can find it here.

How cute is this...and so true!

They were super lovely and gifted me some bits and pieces that I was able to choose and it's now arrived so I wanted to show you how gorgeous everything is!

First up, as the post was about their (now finished) Enamel Pin competition, I purchased this little one. It's white and rose gold, simply saying 'Start Somewhere' which I love.

Next up I brought this print for when we finally buy a house and I potentially have a desk at home. I loved the quote and I love the marble effect of the background. Give me alllll the pizza please!
But not on a Monday... that's the day we all go on a diet right?

Then I chose these lush coasters, mainly as I thought they would be cute as gifts for those people who you want to give more than a card on their birthday but not anything big... more a gesture present.

I also picked all the cards! I love being organised with cards, and regularly stock up for a few months or even the year! I loved their card selection so picked a few new baby ones as well as wedding cards and then some cards for just because.

Lastly, as I am such a notebook hoarder, I couldn't not pick up a notebook! This is a gorgeous dove grey and says Just own it... which I need to do more often. I also got a planner in a darker grey saying you can, and you will... also a perfect quote for me when I'm having a down doubting day. Check out that alliteration!

I would definitely recommend the company, they were a dream to work with and their products are genuinely really lovely.

I will definitely be purchasing some more bits and pieces now I have seen how good their quality is too.

Let me know if you have brought from here before... what did you get?

Much Love,


Thursday 7 June 2018

New Stationery

As you all know I have a massive love for stationery in all shapes and sizes, so I get very excited when I get new bits and bobs to add to my ever growing collection.

Stationary Blog

A few weekends ago we went to see my best friend, her husband and her little girl in Bristol. We don't get to see each other that often so it's amazing when we do, plus Jack and I love Bristol a lot. 

As we don't get to see each other often, we generally have birthday's and Christmas' to catch up on. 

We were very spoilt and extremely grateful. I have packed most of our stuff away as they gave us some gorgeous house bits, but until we move back out I don't really have anywhere for them. 

So here is the stationery that I was given, which I obviously can utilise whilst here. 

First up is a gorgeous Flamingo writing set which I love. Although It's almost too pretty to use, but I can't wait to use it soon. Until then it's making my desk look pretty!

Next time is this gorgeous flowery pen which I'm going to take to work as I can never find a pen when I need one. 

I also got some cute pastel post its to use at work. One set is pastel clouds and the other is pastel rainbows, super cute. 

Lastly, some awesome rubbers! There is a fricking dinosaur! I love them. 

Thank you again to my gorgeous friend and her family for these fab pressies as well as all the others. 

Much Love, 


Sunday 3 June 2018

The Mexican Kitchen | Review

Nowadays there are so many restaurants in my hometown, that it's hard to keep up and to actually eat in them all!

When myself and Emma finally found an evening to go out for Dinner for the first time in 10 years on our own, we jumped at the chance to try out the New Mexican restaurant.

Mexican is one of my all time favourites and we haven't had a decent one in Tunbridge Wells for what seems like forever.

We booked the table for 8pm and were given the choice to eat inside or outside due to the weather. Unusually we chose outside, but it was so hot to start with I don't think we could have sat inside.

As we walked through the restaurant, I noticed a lot of colour, which is obviously very in keeping with the Mexican theme, and outside in the garden was filled with fairy lights above us and flags around the wall surrounding the garden.

First up, we ordered cocktails, of course! I went for a Frozen Margarita, and Emma had a Pina Colada - I obviously had to sing when she said she wanted one...

We also ordered our food at the same time as we don't mess around. Plus we had already had a sneaky look at their menu online, which I find really helps me make a decision when I actually get there as I'm horrendous at choosing anything! 

I went with my fave Mexican starter, Frijoles and Tortillas, while Emma chose homemade Guacamole. 

So delicious, and loved the presentation. I have a rather big love for slate anyway, so they were onto a winner there, but teamed with the colourful buckets was great. There was just enough as a starter, not too much so you were full before your main, but not too little that you wondered why you bothered. 

Next up we both went for the Chicken Tanga Enchilada... 

This came with a small portion of Mexican rice and garnish, with sour cream drizzled on top. When we got them, I thought there wasn't much there, but the meat was so tasty that it was definitely enough. What I liked was that I wasn't too full that I felt sick, but was comfortably full. 

As you can see it had got dark when we ate our mains, so the waiter had turned the heater on as well as provided us with blankets so that we could stay outside. 

Lastly, I heard someone say that they had Churros on the menu so we just had to get them and we were not disappointed!

Served with a caramel sauce and vanilla ice cream these were a dream. Emma has never had Churros before but I think it's safe to say she is now converted.

All in all, we had a lovey evening. The waiters were attentive, the food was delicious as were our cocktails and the price wasn't bad either. 

If you are local to the area I would say to definitely check them out. 

You can follow them here: 


Twitter: @mexican_tw 


If you want to book a table click here

Have you been yet? or have you found a restaurant I need to try? We loved getting glammed up and having a girls night!

Much Love, 

* All opinions are my own and I am not affiliated with this company. 

Saturday 26 May 2018

Scentsy Joy | Home & Lifestyle

When Jack and I moved into our last place, my gorgeous friend Emma gave us this gorgeous Scentsy set as a house warming gift.

Scentsy Blog

It's amazing and in rose gold which is my favourite, she knows me well!

What I love about Scentsy is that the melts come in numerous different scents, so you would be hard pushed to not find at least one, two or twenty that you didn't like. 

She gave it to me with various melts to use and my favourite scents are below. Currently, I'm loving Ice hotel, Clothesline and Coconut Lemongrass. 

Plus, it burns at a temperature that does not burn or scald if you accidentally spill it. Which means when you have pets, children or if you are just super clumsy like I am, you don't need to worry. 

Also, as much as I love scented candles... which I do! With my burner, if I fall asleep when it's on it doesn't matter, as it is not a fire hazard. 

I can not wait until we get our own house so I can have many more burners around the house... maybe in every room. 

Do any of you use Scentsy? What are your favourite scents?

Much Love, 


Thursday 17 May 2018

Products I Can't Live Without | Lip Balm

Well, I am a horrendously bad blogger aren't i... I will post these every Friday she said... that did not happen... I apologise.

Unfortunately, life happened, which is the case for many people I know. Sometimes you end up in your own little bubble and it takes a while to pop out. 

But I'm back... I can hear the applause. Thank you, thank you, you are too kind. 

The first product I'm pretty sure I have mentioned MANY times, but it is amazing and my go to. I've got many people onto it over the years too and they still use it now.

Lip Balm, Blog,


Whether you go for original or one of the scented versions, you won't be disappointed. I tend to reach for my original or my strawberry ones the most, but I think I have one in every variation now. 

I love the pots it comes in, but for ease on the go, the squeeze tubes are definitely a lot easier.

Top Tip! If you leave it in the sun, be careful upon opening as it will melt and you will lose a lot of product super fast!

I also love the little tingle this gives when you put it on... no rude thoughts please... 


I only picked this up a few months ago now as seen in one of my hauls {link} but it's great. I got it in the mango flavour and it smells good enough to eat... don't worry... I won't... 

It makes my lips feel super soft, and on those days where I just want variety from my Carmex, this is one of the main ones I gravitate to. 

I now want to try as many flavours as possible, but the mango will be a strong fave regardless. 


Lush lip balms have been a firm favourite of mine for many years, but I have to say that Honeytrap is my must have of their collection. 

It smells so good you could eat it, but is also super moisturising on your lips. 

The only problem I have is that when I have my acrylics on it can be a little bit on a mission to get it out without making holes in the product which really upsets me!

What are your must have lip balms? I'd love to know. 

Much Love, 


Wednesday 2 May 2018

The Old English Company

So I happily stumbled across this gorgeous site and had to tell you all about it!

For anyone who is like me and therefore loves anything stationary related, this is the site for you.

From Greeting cards, art prints, stationary, enamel pins and more, you will not be disappointed by The Old English Co.!

How damn cute are they!

They are currently running a competition to win your own set of enamel pins, but they are also super reasonable and I am a little bit in love with them and want them all. The company do regular competitions, the last one being just a few weeks ago for some planners, so I would definitely suggest to make sure you are following them on all their channels - links below.

Can we just stop and appreciate how amazing they are... do you think Jack will mind if I buy every single one... hmmm... 

I am currently waiting for my order to come but couldn't wait to tell you about it and didn't want anyone missing out on being able to enter the competition. 

Check out their full range here. Tag me in your pics as and when you receive them. I can't wait to receive my order! 

Plus they have a newsletter you can subscribe to on their site so you can keep up to date that way too!

Much Love as Always, 

*This is a sponsored post but all opinions are my own*


Monday 16 April 2018

Products I Can't Live Without | Highlighters

Here is my list of highlighters that I love, all from the high street and therefore all within everyone's budget.

highlighters, no.7, make up revolution, MUA, make up, beauty


I have loved this highlighter for about 4 years now and this must be my 2nd purchase I would bet as it last a long time!

MUA, highlighter, make up, beauty

From MUA, and therefore only £3 this highlighter is in the shade Pink Shimmer and is from the Undress Your Skin range.

It is super pretty and looks amazing. It is my go to, and is always in my make up bag as I know I will reach for this over all my others - as you can see I've already hit pan again!


This one is in a contour set and contains a matte highlighter. It costs £12.50 for the palette and includes a matte contour colour too and is in the shade medium/dark. 

no.7, make up, beauty, highlighters

This is great for when I'm out and about as it comes with a mirror and a contour shade I can use if required. 

I have also used the highlighter for eyeshadow when I've been in a pinch.

Make Up Revolution 

I've only had this since I received it in my Advent Calendar December just gone. I love the colour although I tend to only use this when I have a tan due to the shade. 

Make up revolution, make up, beauty, highlighters

I feel like it is too gold for my skin without one as I am basically transparent, but I know that it looks beaut when I have a bit of colour so I intend to pack this for holidays this year. 

Costing only £3 it is super cheap too!


swatch, highlighters, no.7, MUA, make up revolution, beauty,

What are your favourite high street highlighters?

Much Love, 


Monday 26 March 2018

Medication | My Story

This post is a hard post to write as I've never really spoken about my diagnosis with anyone except close friends and family.

Rewind about a year and I started to realise that I was not ok... and that enough was enough.

I was fed up of feeling the way I had been... physically being sick in the morning at the thought of leaving my house... never saying no to anyone as I felt horrendous if I did... having to have things in the right place or ordering things in a certain way.

It all came to a head when I realised I was struggling to leave my house.

I had a loving, caring boyfriend that I lived with, two gorgeous kittens and my family and friends... so what was wrong with me? What was happening to me? I couldn't understand it, and actually it made me feel worse.

I don't really remember what happened next, with regards to the whys and wherefores. All I know is that I blurted out to my GP about how I was feeling and that I wasn't coping very well.

He was amazing, and went through a lot of options with me. This was the day that he prescribed me my first lot of tablets.

I had always brought into the stigma of people who take tablets are crazy, they aren't for normal people like you and me. How wrong was I... I'm not normal... no one is.

But I was also wrong about how much tablets can help.

At the time, my Doctor presumed I had slight anxiety and advised the 10mg he had given me would help immensely and I should be back to my "normal" self within a few weeks.

This was not the case.

My tablets were upped to 20mg within those few weeks and then doubled to 40mg which is where I have stayed.

Don't get me wrong, the side effects to start with were horrible and I still struggled, and actually... I still do. Tablets are not a 'quick fix' and anyone who thinks this must be lucky enough to not have had to go through this or know anyone who has.

It's a lengthy process.

I was also referred to counselling/therapy which I know has helped keep my tablets at this level. I strongly believe they work hand in hand.

I was lucky enough to be able to be referred very quickly as I have private health care through Jack's employer. So, since August I have been travelling an hour and half to see my therapist, give or take a few weeks for illness, holidays and more recently, the snow!

I was super anxious and nervous my first time especially as I hate talking about myself, but my therapist put me at ease straight away. She picked up my 'tells' straight away...some of which I hadn't ever thought about.

Don't get me wrong, I'm no where near finished, but I feel like we are making progress each week in some way, shape or form.

I also never realised how many people close to me suffer with anxiety or similar whether it be a big or smaller part of their lives now, they have been kind enough to share their experiences with me with has helped me massively, so I hope to do the same for you.

I plan to brighten your days and nights with funny moments during this process as well as be 100% real with you, dig deep and share some more unhappy moments too... because that's life.

So, I am proud to say that I have Anxiety, Obsessive Disorder and Panic Disorder. They are part off me and what make me the person I am.

I am doing something about it by taking my medication every day and seeking therapy, with the hope that one day I will understand my triggers better and be able to deal with them in a more productive way.

Please be nice... I know this effects more people than I could even know. This is just the beginning of  my story.

Much Love,


Friday 23 March 2018

Products I Can't Live Without | Bronzers

I think I started using bronzer when I was about 15...ish...

Probably ending up with a look that was not becoming, especially teamed with my favourite blue lipstick (it was the fashion then ok...)

In recent years, as contouring has become more and more popular I use mine for various things.

Contouring, Bronzing and even eyeshadow!

bourjois, younique, no.7, make up, bronzer, beauty,

Bourjois Chocolate Bronzer

I'm pretty sure this is a staple in most make up lovers make up bags, not just mine. This is the perfect shade for majority of skin tones and looks like a chocolate bar. 

bronzer, bourjois, flat lay, make up, beauty

It's matte and slightly smells of chocolate which is obviously a massive plus point!

It's perfect for bronzing when you don't want shimmer, and just as good for contouring too.

I have taken this with me to use as a triple threat before to save space:

  • Bronzer
  • Contour
  • Eyeshadow
To use as eyeshadow I usually just use my finger and then blend with a fluffy brush into the crease. To be honest, I am guilty of using loads of my bronzers for this when I'm short of time or when I'm away from home. 

It retails for £7.99.

No.7 Match Made Bronzer

This was a present from my Auntie last Christmas and I love it!

Again I use this as a Triple Threat. 

no.7, bronzer, make up, beauty

It comes with a handy mirror too, which is great when you are out and about. I generally use this more for contouring than bronzing. 

It is also a matte bronzer and is in the shade Maple.

It retails for £12.50

Younique Beachfront Bronzer

This bronzer is great having a matte side as well as a shimmer side so you are able to mix and match as and when you want. 

younique, bronzer, make up, beauty

This is in the shade Sunset, and as you can see, I need to repurchase rather rapidly, especially with summer approaching.

I love to use the matte side to contour and then the shimmer on top of my cheek bones to give that summer shimmery look. 

It retails for £25.

make up, beauty, bronzers, no.7, Younique, bourjois


Friday 16 March 2018

Products I Can't Live Without | Brows

So I'm a massive fan of using pressed powders to do my brows rather than pencils as I prefer the look they give me, plus I find them a lot easier to use!

I thought I'd do a mini review on the products I use now and that I couldn't live without.

Benefit, Younique, MUA, eyebrow, brow, make up, beauty

I used to use a MAC eyeshadow with a 216 Brush, but that was in my make up bag when I lost it and I haven't got round to replacing them yet! 

MUA Quad: 

MUA, eyebrows, brows, make up, beauty

At the moment the High Street brow set I've been using is the MUA quad.

I really like this set, it comes with two brow shades, a highlight and a wax to set them. It also comes with a tiny brush which you definitely have to get used to using!

Although it's handy as it is double sided, so I use one side for the shadow and the other for the wax if I use it... Which I rarely do to be honest.

There were some dinky tweezers in this set when I brought it... Where they are now however is another question entirely! They weren't very easy to use and although the idea is great that you have everything in one palette, I think I may have got frustrated with them falling out and chucked them into the depths of my room... Oops!

This set is great especially for the price of £3.50.

The shades are really pigmented, the highlight is a nice matte and the wax is great to set them if you need to. I generally don't need to, and if I do, use my brow gel instead as I feel that it's a more natural look on the brows.

Younique Palette 2:

Younique, cocky, eyebrow, brow, make up, beauty

Although this is not packaged as a brow kit, back when Younique didn't have much in the way of brow products, I used 'Cocky' from Palette 2 and haven't looked back.

It's the perfect colour for my brows, and I use my Real Techniques brow brush. Don't get me wrong, for £38 it's probably rather a lot for a brow shade, however, the rest of the colours in this palette are beautiful so it is well worth it.

The colour is super pigmented and is really easy to use for my brows. I love to take this if I'm staying anywhere overnight or getting ready elsewhere as it means I have something for my brows as well as eyeshadows and highlight.

Benefit Gimme Brow:

benefit, gimme brow, brows, eyebrows, make up, beauty

I have two colours of this, to get the best colour for my brows.

I prefer using this to go over the top of what I end up creating with my quad or the Younique palette to set them.

I do like using these products, but I think I'm a powder and brush girl when it comes to my brows unfortunately.

For £16.99 it's great for what it is, and It's perfect if you are in a rush and don't have time to take time on your brows with powder as it fills them in and gives them good definition in half the time. 

What are your favourite high street and high end brow products?

Much Love,
T, x


Wednesday 14 March 2018

Younique | Powder Lipsticks

Happy Wednesday! We are officially half way through the week, well done!

If you have been reading my blogs or following me for a while, you may know of my friend Emma by now.

She is a Younique presenter and therefore I end up with sneak peaks to new products which is amazing.

Unfortunately, these were a limited product and are no longer available for purchase - but I wanted to show you how amazing they are... sorry!

These are the most bizarre product I am yet to try from any company! They confuse your mind and make you question everything you have every known about lip products and make up in general!

I first tried them with Emma on a Facebook Live that she did for her customers. 

I then purchased my favourite two out of the pack to show you guys how insanely good they are.

The colours I got were Captivating and Curvaceous - and they are a powder consistency... strange I know.

Upon applying, I ensure to take the excess product off the applicator as it is very easy to think you should tap it as you would do with most powder products. I do this to try and keep as much product in the container as possible.

The applicator itself is really easy to use and is a great shape. When the powder goes on your lips, it gives a slightly warming feeling, which takes a little getting used to.

The products are super pigmented and are true to the colours above.

They are great colour and look amazing on, so I'm sorry you are unable to purchase them. Here's hoping they will bring them back!

Much Love,

Tk xxx